Well…this is something to do..
Thursday, May 26, 2011
First, take a walk around the little park and admire the tile map of the city in the style of the 17th century
Next, have a very good cappuccino and discover that the barista has just given a course to four French students on Mexican food in the local Culinary Institute.They tried everything and loved it!, she said.
The students have now gone off to get work experience in resorts and government palaces. In addition, she and her mother gave me a lead on an apartment, which my friends are looking for.
Wander over to the Antiquities market and buy some silver-plated goblets as a wedding present, deciding it’s not yet time for a sherbet in a plastic cup lined with chili powder and topped with sweet and sour sauce.
Needing more cash, go to the ATM (cajero) on the other side of the Zocalo, passing the Casa de La Cultura and listening briefly to a free concert!
Return to the Hotel Colonial to work a few hours, then go back to the market for La Comida at 3 pm — sopa de mariscos (seafood broth soup) and — I had to try this — a chipotle chile stuffed with goat cheese and fried in an egg batter (basically a chile relleno, but fabulous with chipotle).
- Serve it up!
- Sopa de mariscos
- fried stuffed chile
Make your way back to the hotel. but pick up some fanciful handmade soaps for the grandchildren in another Tianguis (open-air market) and get some of that fabulous sherbet with chili powder. My sherbet flavor was a smooth mix of cucumber, jicama, and lime, with small bits of coconut meat. Really delicious!
Spend the evening working on the video structure, corresponding about the Faculty Association, and working on your blog. Goodnight! Sweet dreams!